Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Momma's running a 5k

So I am officially signed up for my first 5k.  I have always wanted to, I figured what better goal to set for myself right before I turn 30. Here's the thing. I am not really much of a runner.  And I am quite fluffy.  But I am determined and am on a training program and everything.  Its just for fun, and it is going to be so so so fun!  So anyway, that's something exciting that is going on in my life.  I am excited too about the part where I get to stay at a hotel for the night before the race and hang out with other adult females who are not my kids and not my husband.  i love my kids dearly, and my husband most of the time (haha) but it will do me some good to have a night where I actually get to remember who I am besides a referee between my 8 and 5 year old- or 9 and 6 year old by that time.  Its 2 months away, and I am hoping to be on my way to being in great shape by that point, i am already feeling good just with the training and eating right.  Somehow sitting on the couch wtih ice cream is not very appealing right now, although I don't weigh myself because if the numbers don't go down the way I want them to I always give in to something that I shouldn't have.

 I am about to have to go to the grocery store in the bipolar Texas weather (currently around 40 degrees but started the day out at 72) because we are out of milk and that is a major tragedy in this house.  Plus the store I am going to has some good deals I need to take advantage of, because I have turned into an old lady that loves a bargain. Seriously. Don't be surprised when I am so excited I post my deals on here of things, it's like a high.  Because I am a dork.  And totally secure with that.

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