Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blogging fail!

Well, after the last time I posted, life just kinda took me on a crazy ride.  My grandfather started going in and out of the hospital in mid-April, and then it seemed like he got better and everything was going to be okay.  They put him in a rehab hospital, but he just was not improving.  they sent him back to the regular hospital and he just started to do worse and worse.  We finally found out he had sepsis as a result of Staph infection but by the time it was discovered I think it just tore him down too much.  So on Friday, May 31, we checked the kids out of school early and rushed 100 miles to my hometown and my mom and I made it for the final hours of my pawpaw's life.  He was on morphine every hour and so was pretty sedated by the time we got there but every once in a while would nod a little bit of understanding to questions.  I am confident that he was waiting until everyone got there to go.

This left me in a harder place than I had ever imagined.  I was always really close wtih my pawpaw, from the time I was born, so almost 30 years wtih the man, it hurt more than I knew it could.  There is a lot of grief there and I am doing my best to get past.

His life was one of hard working, of being surrounding by a big family and huge network of friends who love and care for him, and it was a life well-lived.  And though I have lost grandparents before, this was especially tough for me, and grief finds me at the oddest of times. But I am working through it.

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